I'm here in my room, sitting on the floor pondering what to write about..I haven't written much in awhile ..maybe I've got writer's block or I'm just in a floating state..floating floating floating away like an emptied 'pure water' sachet..being blown away in all directions with no particular destination. .so I could get caught or snagged on a tree branch...I could be flattened by a trotro driver...I could be washed away through the gutters and into the deep sea. .I could be burnt to a stub or nub amongst other garbage in an incinerator. .I could also be picked up by a rubbish collector to be taken to the re-cycling plant for 'refurbishment' and reusal...that's the fun bit about floating..you tune out everything and everybody and you're in a hibernating state..my favourite 'place' to be!...
I've always felt #different from everyone else and I always have had a hard time fitting in.. especially in our society where religion and society have brainwashed us to think and act in a certain way to our own detriment..Sometimes I kid about being a caveman in my previous life cos I think like a man from the stone-age..it took me a very long time to embrace my 'weirdness' and to stick to it regardless of what anyone felt..I told myself I came first and that's all that mattered..reincarnation is a 'phenomenon' that intrigues me greatly..whenever I felt lost I wished I'll be re-incarnated as a tree or stone. .a stone doesn't do anything. .it just exits. .stationary always. .except someone or something moves it..it is spared all the pain and disappointments of life and couldn't care less if it never moved!..can one be reincarnated as a stone tho,I wonder?..on the other hand I'm sure I can be reincarnated as a tree cos it's a living thing..it still doesn't do anything though. .people do all the work for it..and it just responds.
Another very valuable lesson I learned during my 'float' is the most kindest and generous people on earth are those without..those who don't have much to offer are the most empathetic people ever!..cos they understand what is it to be really in need...anytime I went to the market to shop the market women would always give me a 'gift' of whatever they were selling..or they would give me way more than what I paid for..most times I don't even need the stuff but they insist I take them or they'll be offended...and I look at them and I'm overwhelmed with emotion!..sometimes you don't have to wait to be asked before you show kindness....alot of people dont know how to ask for help for fear of rejection (just like myself!) or the fact that they'll be misunderstood..I always do the random kind act to people and they go like 'it's as if you knew I needed this'..that's my reward..knowing I made a difference no matter how small..guess what,it's the smallest things that leave the biggest impact!..I've always wished I could do more for people cos it's a blessing to give ..the more u give,the more u receive!
So I'm still here on my bedroom floor..this time lying down on my mat with my legs up on my bed..that's my favorite position..and yes,pun intended!!!..lol....*wink wink*...my love for the floor was borne out of the period where/when eight of us(my mum and siblings) used to share a room and we had no bed ..get the picture?. .so even though I've upgraded,I still have a hard time using a bed!..which is good news cos I hate laying the bed anyway!..I'm spared all of that on the floor..one thing I also hate doing is brushing my teeth!..but I do it cos I hate unclean teeth and bad breath more than I hate brushing my teeth..and it's funny that I go the extra mile to clean my teeth..after brushing the traditional way(mind you I brush for like 20mins!), I floss daily.I use mouthwash all the time.I use charcoal with the tooth paste ..sometimes I use bicarbonate of soda with lemon..you dip the lemon peel in the lemon and rub it around your teeth for two minutes before rinsing..it removes stains and helps with maintaining fresh breath..why I'm I giving all these details on something I hate but must be done?..it's simple..sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do because it is necessary. .and you SHOULDN'T be afraid to 'custom-make' it to suit you if you realize the 'normal' way is not for you..you have to be real with yourself about not wanting to follow the crowd. .it's how life should be..people should be allowed to be real and different..
This theory should apply to everything we do in life and especially in our relationships. .there's no rules in that department cast in iron or engraved in stone for everyone to apply as if there's a gun held to your head!..relationships are beautiful when you're with someone on the same page in every angle..you have to go the extra mile if that's what you both want and not because someone is doing it..dare to be different in expressing your love with your partner..use 'charcoal' to brighten it if you want to...'floss' out extra impurities if it works for you..a lot of these so-called relationship 'rules ' are killing all the beautiful love people want to share with their partners..and what annoys me is they insist you have to be married to prove your love is valuable or fulfilling..but how can that be when it's only both partners in love know what their love means to them..Christianity maintains marriage is from the bible but atheists,agnostics and all the other religions get married the same way..wearing the same white gowns and say vows. .so I'm very confused!!!..alot of people are under pressure to just be married to be recognized. .they'll go to all lengths to get that ring on that finger and suffer in silence when reality dawns..when disillusionment takes place ...when the shit hits the fan!..weddings don't define the longevity of your relationship as a lot of ignorant people have quickly realized when they also tried to tow that line..being in a genuine relationship with your partner is beautiful whether you're married or not..our forefathers did it and most of us are products of those unions..marry if you're very sure it's for you not cos you feel you have to..marriage to me is just making things official for legal reasons and nothing else ..nobody can tell me otherwise!..love can be shared and expressed without a ring and the pomp and pageantry of a wedding you can't afford. .weddings are overrated these days..times have changed..the world has evolved and we must be abreast with the times..it's either you're in the stoneage or you're part of this era..make up your doggone mind!..stop coasting the horizon. .jump in or bugger off!
Thanx for reading.. #shalom
Friday, 21 December 2018
When a woman's vagina is 'big' the man says it's cos she's 'been around' but when a man's penis is 'small', same man says size doesn't matter..double standards!!..it's weird tho that the normal notion is women like a big penis and men like a small tight vagina!..hmmmm!!. .a woman can compromise and say let's focus on what he can do with his penis but the man will say I drown in her vagina everytime we have sex so I gotta find a tighter vagina elsewhere!...hmmmm!!!..is it hard to just accept that same way penises come in different shapes and sizes and looks so does the veejayjay come in different shapes and sizes and looks?! ..just find your perfect fit ..cos sexual organs compatibility is equally as important as mental and social compatibility. .you can't fake it when you're not connected sexually with a person..you can say all the prayers in the bible,chant from dusk till dawn and if it's not there,it is not there!..you don't have to have been promiscuous to know I'm not feeling him or her..ofcos chemistry has to be there but other things come into play to make that magic happen...and let's face it,some people are just crap at sex..sex is an art like dancing, cooking,painting etc. .don't get it twisted!..the desire is the foundation then the skills 'enforces' it...you no gat skills,you ain't shit!!...
Ofcos when you're into someone you compromise and let the emotions overtake you even when the sex is shit but hey!..who doesn't want their socks blown off as well!!..let's be honest!...lots of women in Africa don't know what an orgasm is..firstly because the sex topic has been made [a ] taboo since 19kojohooho and today's modern woman, despite this technological age ,is found wanting..these days,even tho some talk shows on African tv claim they have taken the step to start the sex education journey,they are still coasting the horizon..it's either you thrust in all the way (pun intended!) or you don't waste our time..one talk show was referring to the penis as his 'thing' and 'dick'..I was mortified!..'dick' is an informal title like pussy..I use those informal titles cos i like to provoke certain re-actions so I always go for the shock-factor!..when you're educating people you should use the right formal names..kids are exposed to so much sex info ONLINE that if you don't teach them yourself now someone else will beat u to it..my mini-me is four and she knows the vagina and penis and breast...the correct names....her younger sis who is one calls THE VAGINA 'Dina' !..of cos she's still learning how to talk!.LOL..and they say the name which such glee and excitement that carries the fact that they know those organs have special importance..stop using names like 'kakai' and 'pepe' and 'borlorborlor' and some other crazy unprintable nicknames to describe these beautiful 'art pieces'!..COS that is what they are..beautiful art pieces that can bring unimaginable pleasure and satisfaction to you when you really know how to use it!
I can't explain enough my fascination for genuine love and how to freely express it physically and emotionally...I just love LOVE!...there's no limitations as to what you can do to be physically ravaged sexually!..why should it be taboo?..who came up with that idea of hiding its full effect?I'm sure it was the same person who tried to suppress a woman's potential by denying her education and reducing her to a 'furniture ' in the home, specifically the kitchen..who's to say she couldn't be both?...who says she can't blossom and still feed him,that is if he doesn't know what to do with his two hands!..who also said it's every man who can embrace and execute the role of being the 'head'?..if that was true why is that some women play the role of provider in her marital home?..some women pay their own bride price,allow the man to come live in her home,pay all the bills,feed him,clothe him..leaving him with nothing to do but sleep around hmmm!!..yet she would not be seen as the head..same way it's not every woman who can play the 'mother' or 'wifey' role..some women just want to be mothers just to please society and religion and quickly get disillusioned cos nuturing babies ain't no walk in the park!..some men do a greater job at raising kids.
Everything in this world is not for everyone..the sooner we accept it ,the better for us all..and who made people the judge of whether a woman is marriage-material or babymama-material or fuck-material?...what is marriage-material I ask? What does that term even mean?????!!!!!...some people don't want to get married..does that make them less of a human being?...and does that mean that just cos you're married you've suddenly attained magical powers?..like you're immortal?..let's get real people!!!...a man sleeps around with all the women and when he wants to settle down he wants a 'holy' marriage-material! .nansins!..so who should have what you've played around with?!!!...makes me sick!..and then we keep saying man is the head..if he wants to be head he should earn it alongside your affection and respect..it's not a gender thing,it's an individual thing..if you exhibit leadership skills why should someone take it away from you?on the other hand it shouldn't just be handed over to you on a silver platter..I just want everyone to be treated equally because you're a person and it should not be based on your sexual anatomy..I know a lot of people will chew me out cos they'll base their grievances on religion but I don't think religion's got anything to do with this.
Women,instead of buying into that crap of being married before you'll feel accepted or relevant which pushes you to do all kinds of weird things, rather get to know your selves well...as if being single is a disease!...how can you fill another's empty cup from an equally empty cup?...know your body..study your body..know what turns you on...list your standards you're looking for in your partner .write them down literally like I always say(and this a man taught me to do)...when you meet a potential lover tick off of your list as and when he meets them..don't compromise on what is very important to u...don't settle..teach yourself new things.. travel..paraglide,bungeejump..hell,go to the moon if you can..,learn physical hygiene. .how to keep your vagina neat ..I'm tired of guys complaining to me about the rotten eggs smell emanating from the vagina which some women have been subjecting them to!..and STOP pressuring them for marriage! ..don't you have anything else your brain can contribute?..like being independent? !!!!...the guys say that's all the women ask them for yet the women don't bring anything to the table. .the modern man wants a real woman in all aspects ..they want a team-player...let's give them that and more!..and guys,whiles attacking women on their body hygiene make sure you also clean up good!..don't come near me with two-weeks unwashed stinky boxers..plenty guys wear the same boxers for two weeks straight before washing!..urgh!!!!!..oh yes I have experienced it and I am still traumatized!!!!...I have noticed that it is the guys who don't keep their dicks neat who like blow jobs paa!..eeeeeeeewwwww!!!!!
So we the women too we dey beg wae!..clean the fuck up!...thanx for reading.. #shalom
Ofcos when you're into someone you compromise and let the emotions overtake you even when the sex is shit but hey!..who doesn't want their socks blown off as well!!..let's be honest!...lots of women in Africa don't know what an orgasm is..firstly because the sex topic has been made [a ] taboo since 19kojohooho and today's modern woman, despite this technological age ,is found wanting..these days,even tho some talk shows on African tv claim they have taken the step to start the sex education journey,they are still coasting the horizon..it's either you thrust in all the way (pun intended!) or you don't waste our time..one talk show was referring to the penis as his 'thing' and 'dick'..I was mortified!..'dick' is an informal title like pussy..I use those informal titles cos i like to provoke certain re-actions so I always go for the shock-factor!..when you're educating people you should use the right formal names..kids are exposed to so much sex info ONLINE that if you don't teach them yourself now someone else will beat u to it..my mini-me is four and she knows the vagina and penis and breast...the correct names....her younger sis who is one calls THE VAGINA 'Dina' !..of cos she's still learning how to talk!.LOL..and they say the name which such glee and excitement that carries the fact that they know those organs have special importance..stop using names like 'kakai' and 'pepe' and 'borlorborlor' and some other crazy unprintable nicknames to describe these beautiful 'art pieces'!..COS that is what they are..beautiful art pieces that can bring unimaginable pleasure and satisfaction to you when you really know how to use it!
I can't explain enough my fascination for genuine love and how to freely express it physically and emotionally...I just love LOVE!...there's no limitations as to what you can do to be physically ravaged sexually!..why should it be taboo?..who came up with that idea of hiding its full effect?I'm sure it was the same person who tried to suppress a woman's potential by denying her education and reducing her to a 'furniture ' in the home, specifically the kitchen..who's to say she couldn't be both?...who says she can't blossom and still feed him,that is if he doesn't know what to do with his two hands!..who also said it's every man who can embrace and execute the role of being the 'head'?..if that was true why is that some women play the role of provider in her marital home?..some women pay their own bride price,allow the man to come live in her home,pay all the bills,feed him,clothe him..leaving him with nothing to do but sleep around hmmm!!..yet she would not be seen as the head..same way it's not every woman who can play the 'mother' or 'wifey' role..some women just want to be mothers just to please society and religion and quickly get disillusioned cos nuturing babies ain't no walk in the park!..some men do a greater job at raising kids.
Everything in this world is not for everyone..the sooner we accept it ,the better for us all..and who made people the judge of whether a woman is marriage-material or babymama-material or fuck-material?...what is marriage-material I ask? What does that term even mean?????!!!!!...some people don't want to get married..does that make them less of a human being?...and does that mean that just cos you're married you've suddenly attained magical powers?..like you're immortal?..let's get real people!!!...a man sleeps around with all the women and when he wants to settle down he wants a 'holy' marriage-material! .nansins!..so who should have what you've played around with?!!!...makes me sick!..and then we keep saying man is the head..if he wants to be head he should earn it alongside your affection and respect..it's not a gender thing,it's an individual thing..if you exhibit leadership skills why should someone take it away from you?on the other hand it shouldn't just be handed over to you on a silver platter..I just want everyone to be treated equally because you're a person and it should not be based on your sexual anatomy..I know a lot of people will chew me out cos they'll base their grievances on religion but I don't think religion's got anything to do with this.
Women,instead of buying into that crap of being married before you'll feel accepted or relevant which pushes you to do all kinds of weird things, rather get to know your selves well...as if being single is a disease!...how can you fill another's empty cup from an equally empty cup?...know your body..study your body..know what turns you on...list your standards you're looking for in your partner .write them down literally like I always say(and this a man taught me to do)...when you meet a potential lover tick off of your list as and when he meets them..don't compromise on what is very important to u...don't settle..teach yourself new things.. travel..paraglide,bungeejump..hell,go to the moon if you can..,learn physical hygiene. .how to keep your vagina neat ..I'm tired of guys complaining to me about the rotten eggs smell emanating from the vagina which some women have been subjecting them to!..and STOP pressuring them for marriage! ..don't you have anything else your brain can contribute?..like being independent? !!!!...the guys say that's all the women ask them for yet the women don't bring anything to the table. .the modern man wants a real woman in all aspects ..they want a team-player...let's give them that and more!..and guys,whiles attacking women on their body hygiene make sure you also clean up good!..don't come near me with two-weeks unwashed stinky boxers..plenty guys wear the same boxers for two weeks straight before washing!..urgh!!!!!..oh yes I have experienced it and I am still traumatized!!!!...I have noticed that it is the guys who don't keep their dicks neat who like blow jobs paa!..eeeeeeeewwwww!!!!!
So we the women too we dey beg wae!..clean the fuck up!...thanx for reading.. #shalom
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