Wednesday, 6 December 2017

GAYsm...yay or nah?

         JUST last week i called for an UBER and that meeting with the driver has generated a very #healthy intellectual #relationship between's amazing how you meet all sorts of people in all kinds of #places..we have had very mind-stimulating and thought-provoking #conversations and it's such a very pleasant experience..coupla days ago he asked me what i thought about the legalization of GAYsm /LESBIANIsm, and of course i told him I'm a very open-minded person when it comes to these societal issues and wasn't for nor against it..but he persisted to know what i really thought just for 'argument's' sake.. so i asked  him what his thoughts were on the #topic..before I say what he said I'll let you #know what I told him and more!

              Lesbians and Gays are first of all #human beings with rights..just like you and I..before you get it twisted let me clear the air on something..I'm not Gay. .I'm straight as an arrow and I've never fancied my [same] sex..but I believe in the #rights of every human being and I hate it when people of some certain status feel they can prosecute other people who are in the minority 'zone';( if i should put it so)...already Gays(I'll use this to represent both #lesbians and homosexuals) feel very confused with their sexuality that's why a lot of them 'hide in the closet'...those who fully explore their sexuality and interest in the opposite sex take a huge risk .we call it 'coming out of the closet'....they get stigmatized,persecuted..some even get does one's sexual preference affect the country?????!!!!!. .how does what one does in the comfort of their bedroom affect you?...the country is corrupt from leaders to children. .the police are robbing us blind...taking bribes like taking sweets from little kids. .#people are being raped in their own homes...a new  German friend I just made got  robbed and raped by four Ghanaian gunmen in her apartment!. .the government didn't do nothing about it! she not a #human being?doesn't rape constitute an offence? is criminal,right?..adds to the 'filth' covering up the country yet nothing was done!..and  you say wetin?!!!!!...abeg go remove the 'log in your eye' and come again!
          Lots of people are frustrated in this #world and the only way to vent their frustrations is to attack the vulnerable...gays don't have a voice because they've been made to feel inferior by the hypocritical hoi even though nowadays they are gathering their #voice to defend themselves they are still a far cry from feeling understood and accepted..why should they have to defend themselves from anyone?Adam and Eve had kids and their kids had #sex with each other,right?incest is what it is called,right?cos how else do you explain the world's #population if we are to go by what the bible says?how did we grow to be so many?think about it! The country has a lot of issues killing its people!we don't have 'trust-able' potable'll have to buy bottled many people can afford to drink that all the time?!!!.and those of us who mostly drink 'sachet water' half the time have to hope and pray it is at least distilled like we've been told it is! jobs:lots of graduates are home doing nothing!..' The devil finds work for idle hands', they say...'an idle  mind is the devil's workshop' ,I've heard! ...or something to that effect!..some Gays found themselves in the act because some rich #gays offered them some sort of respite from the  poverty eating up the country..the gap between the rich and poor is so get richer and the poor get poorer..if you want to tackle an issue, don't just wade into it like some guy who has chased some lady for years  to no avail and suddenly her #vagina has been made available to him to 'chop'!..start from the what caused the fire and not the smoke..'there's no smoke without fire?'
       These days you can't even be sure of one's sexual preference ...even the #heterosexual men only want to have anal sex with their heterosexual #female partners...go figure!..a woman called an #adult show one time to complain about her pastor husband who didn't want vaginal intercourse with her...only anal in this case what would the gay-bashers?.or what will the gays themselves say or feel?..another lady who'd be married for just two weeks wanted out cos her hubby wanted to only  mount her through her anus!'s really a common thing these days. .so-called heterosexual couples don't find satisfaction with each other sexually.. either there's a third #party involved (ménagè a trois ) or they have some sort of swinging parties or they swap partners. ...even your husband or wife could be living a double life;could be having a gay partner on the side in secret;how would you know!..the list is's hard to know what goes on behind closed doors... people keep up appearances a lot because society dictates what is right or wrong...yet society is not always right.
       The biggest group attacking the gays are mostly Christians..  .which pisses me off cos the bible says sinners came to be saved. .who are you to do God's work for him??he even welcomed sinners, if the bible is to be believed!..gays didn't ask to be like that..if the #bible says everything that'll will happen has already been written why then can't they understand that gays didn't have a #choice in the matter? was written!..the Gays are flesh and blood and bones just like all the pedophiles,rapists,sodomites,misogynists(most African men fall short here and religion enables them by using that crappy 'submission' route!),transvestites, drag-queens, transgenders,eunuchs,etc .and they all 'go to church'..i see them all the time!and some of these people hate gays!..y3 nua ni s3n 3na aanbiin??..don't come at me with that bullshit of making only the gays [be] the worms !every one should be persecuted then !Christians are supposed to be an extension of the God they claim they worship. .they should welcome everyone into their bosom...'!he who's without sin should cast the first stone!'...rember ?!!!!..people do all kinds of shit when no-one is watching!..there are people raping animals too...sometimes it's a choice born out of some uncontrollable desire,some from coercion by other people who are already 'versed' in the act..they say God is love and loves everyone and the so-called chrifes will quote you all kinds of quotes from the bible on that score yet they don't show love to their fellow human beings!..selfishness is what is killing our people..greed ,'fakery','flakery',etc is the stench exuding from the country's pores... corruption, thievery,backbiting, is what is spewing out of the country's mouth like the fetid breath of a trotromate's...lie-ing, lie-ing,lie-ing is the pungent odor emanating from the country's holes like some serious body odor from a taxi driver's unwashed pits. ..eeeeeeeewwwww!!!. .the country is sick with a lot of rot festering underneath which is going to erupt #soon like a volcano of we don't stop our bullshit hypocrisy! You know what's funny,they think prayer would solve this menace..'give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God '..there's a spiritual realm and there's a 'physical' world..let's not get it twisted..give the 'devil' a break and take responsibility for your #own actions,that's why you're on this planet in your human form!
        I welcome #everybody ..all of us have our faults and shortcomings doesn't make it right just cos no-one is perfect but it importantly means we shouldn't feel superior to others who have different 'demons' and we shouldn't impose our views on #people and force them to conform to it!'s really annoying!we've got prostitutes,wife-batterers, murderers,fraudsters who are walking around freely...if society is so concerned about 'cleaning' up the #country they should persecute all of these people...firstly though they should start by cleaning up the country of all the real filth that is engulfing the whole place!..the stench  from the garbage at the Kaneshie market, for example, is unbearable!...rid the country of all the plastics that's choking up every nook and cranny..the filth that is breeding all kinds of deadly diseases!..typhoid,cholera,malaria to name a few...close up all open drainage systems..then they can now tackle 'other' issues... .'cleanliness is next to godliness' is what the Christians say..but do they walk the talk?..since they don't have anything to do with their lives,they should go into each individual's bedrooms and tell them what to do with their own damn bodies!
        Now let me tell you what my uber-driver-turned-friend told me on this topic...he feels gaysm should be legalized cos first of all any practice that society needs to legalize means people have been practicing it for ages and it's not going anywhere and might be causing 'problems' in the country..he feels it will make the gays feel accepted and they wont #hide and practice it..most gays are forced to marry heterosexual partners to keep up the appearance of  the 'normalcy' society has dictated whiles  having their gay cravings satisfied in the closet ..being gay can be biological,psychological,or learned,or even just for each his own..when people don't feel stigmatized they will open up and do things the right way..being gay doesn't make you less of a human doesn't take away from your capabilities as a person..lots of gays have contributed immensely to society and the world at large..Ellen Degeneres,Elton John,Gianni Versace are just a few to mention...everything we do has pros and cons but it should be the individual's choice on what they do in their privacy to themselves..!the so-called issues we think arise from homosexuality are rather heightened by the fact that it's done in 'hiding '.e.g AIDS...people have HIV/AIDS from other 'normal' angles...people having multiple heterosexual partners is one angle,sharing infected instruments,even having sex with one unknowingly  infected partner can get  you infected..people are naturally afraid of what they don't understand and reflexively just #attack's ignorance at the highest peak! uber-driver also talks about a doctor who sodomized a 15yr old boy who had to have surgery to correct some anomalies on his anus and intestinal tract. .this is sick cos the boy was a minor and the doctor took advantage of him..this boy might also continue with this act,who knows! ..this goes to buttress my point that these things happen from different angles and influences..'#charity begins at home'..let's start from the homes...set #good examples for the younger ones and those yet to be born will have something positive to emulate when they get here..we will be long gone but at least we would have left some good legacy behind...thanx for reading..#shalom #gaylesgifts

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