You decide what your woman does with her own hair yet when she asks for money for this same hairstyle you CHOSE ,you balk at the responsibility saying African women are not independent!.. you get to do what you like with your own hair but cos you're a man you're presumtious enough to tell the woman she can't be free to do what she likes with her own hair!..a full grown-arse woman who should know her left from her right!..*sigh*..and in the name of love and ' for better or worse' the woman enables him..someone I know made her intention to loc her hair known to her fiancé and his response was she should wait until after wedding .and she obliged!..yet here she was lamenting her grievances to those who wanted to listen! if they get married and he changes his mind,what then? she a child? it a parenting school or a partnership? ..bullocks I say to both of them!.so just the fact that you have a dick makes you better than someone who has a vagina?how does that even make sense?..nothing said about IQ. .nothing said about smartness...nothing said about values...just have a dick and you can rule over the world and everything else in it!..when the women like myself protest we are labeled FEMINISTS..and in Africa it actually means someone who doesn't need a man..*rolling my eyes*...ok so what if she doesn't need a man,is that a crime?..will that cause world war 3?..we're too narrowminded as Africans and that really makes me question our so-called independence from the western influence our leaders have been trying to force down our throats since time immemorial! . If the leaders themselves don't get the concept of independence how the hell will they understand the desire of a woman dying to remove the noose of 'it's a man's world' tied around her neck since the stone age !
Our great great great great great grandmothers found themselves in this situation and couldn't protest cos they were limited and with no voice with which to speak was like not being dumb but couldn't being forced to wear a straitjacket tho not certifiably bonkers. .you know how that feels!! being cooped up in a small narrow bottle with the cork screwed on tight. .and you're trying to break free cos you can't breathe!..I wasn't obviously born back then but I instinctively know how it was..women's psyche has not changed since there!..we've ALWAYS felt stunted and unappreciated and not supported by the male we have to have their approval in everything we do!..the decision was made for women way back not to be educated and be liberal..I think man has always been threatened by a woman's strength and I wonder why. .it's not a competition..naturally there are things a man can't do and vice versa and nobody can change is what it is!..but when it comes to intelligence, mindset,drive and everything else it goes beyond's simply an individual thing..and why must the 'silent war' between the male and female species be centred around relationships? !!!! There's more to our existence than marriages and procreation and submission to the man (I detest that word now for obvious reasons!) our African setting a woman's worth is determined by her marital long as she's not hitched nobody wants to hear what she has to say..and sadly lots of woman have bought into the idea cos they've been conditioned to feel incomplete otherwise..and these women 'fight' the other women who are happy being single..I weep inside and 'outside' everyday because I don't get how this rot started and why and by whom?!!!!!
It is not a woman's job to make a man feel like a should be a 'man' on your don't need her validation on how to be a man. stop putting it down to your ego and how it will be bruised when a woman intimidates you with her formidable self..a woman can't make you be what you're not.. be a 'man' on your own merit and not on your penis alone..I wonder how women who have had {the}sex change would be viewed now by men cos afterall it takes only a penis to be powerful they say...nansins!..most men are so focused on how a woman responds to their fuck-ups rather than his fuck-up itself!..they're always like 'it's how she says it'!!..but how does that change anything?..if he's wrong,he's wrong.. .men,work on upgrading yourself to meet the psyche of the
independent African woman you preach you're looking for.
These days the mondern African woman like myself ,knows exactly what she wants in a potential partner ..or rather we are not quick to settle for less in a relationship so easily like we were forced to do sometime back. We have learned how to READ between the lines and stick to our standards..I've always maintained relationship[s] is/are teamwork..I'll tell you for free that if you like to ALWAYS fly solo you have no business building a life with anyone!..
lemme digress a bit.. I rember one incident way way back when I was dating this we met was weird..I was one time browsing the internet at an internet cafe and I found myself chatting with someone on Yahoo messenger..within minutes we both realised we didn't know each other..apparently the last person who'd used the computer I was using hasn't signed out of his yahoo and that's how come all that confusion came about..but me and this new guy decided to make something positive out of it all and exchanged contact cut a long story short we started dating cos there was chemistry between time we went to a restaurant on one of our dates..when my food came he ate with me..when his food came he ate it all by himself. .wow!..time came for us to leave and the waiter came up to me for money for my bill. .I was shocked cos I assumed my date would pay for both of us..apparently he'd paid for his share without telling me..I just paid my share and we left..I dunno why I'm remembering this incident now and whether it's linked to this article in anyway..but I'm sure someone would learn the lesson I learnt from it,which is to always be prepared financially to foot your own bills when out on a date. .makes you independent as a woman and helps you avoid any unpleasantness.
If it's a man's world why does he need a woman to feed him,take off his shoes for him,feed his kids ,do laundry and fuck him too?..and all these she does AFTER she's worked like himself all day earning a living!..If he's the man of the house shouldn't the roles be reversed? Shouldn't he be the one doing all the household chores and allow the woman who is seen as the weaker sex relax and do nothing?...afterall being a leader is not about leaving everything to your 'subordinates ' while you sit and be waited upon hand and foot!..these are genuine questions cos I feel a leader or head should lead by example for the others to follow...
Men have been set up by their own species... greatest bretrayal ever!..our male ancestors and men all over the world who lived centuries ago thought they were doing themselves some good when they came up with rules to protect themselves from the 'power ' of women..maybe it worked for them back then. .I can't tell cos we were not there but I know today in our time,those rules don't work..even most modern men kick at the idea cos they can't live up to it. .the times are different now..people's mindset are different. .technology has evolved beyond man's thinking...chale, it is what it is!
They say wait for the man to propose marriage to a woman but guess what,her answer is what would make or break the relationship! ..who's the boss now?!..even when he brings the dowry the woman would still be asked by her family 'should we accept them?'..If she says 'no' ,my guy forget everything!. .all situations have been orchestrated for a man to feel in charge of the woman and society at large has been conditioned to accept it..that's why women these days are fighting for empowerment but we don't need to cos we're already powerful since time and women are all powerful in our unique ways..let's accept that and allow women to function as they're supposed to and men should support them!..thanx for reading...#shalom #gaylesgifts #mztooknow
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