Friday, 15 April 2022

MEET AND GREET.(things to know before building any relationship.).


1. You guys should learn  how to communicate with each other. I don't mean just talking, but actually expressing things for the other to understand your soul.

2. People think love is just that little occasionally fleeting   feeling we feel for someone. Those feelings come and go. Love is a have to show it,voice it out for the other person to know exactly what's in your head.

3. People don't take time to know themselves first before entering into a relationship and expect the other person to automatically understand them and love them. If you know yourself you will know your standards,your love language and CHOOSE people who align with those things.

4. When you get too attached to people you tend to have unreasonable unrealistic expectations of them and when they're not met you get disappointed and dissatisfied.  Remember you need to look out for yourself wherever you find yourself cos your happiness lies solely in your own hands. 

5. When you start to get to know each other,focus on compatibility. .and I  don't mean having things like the same meal in common..e.g we both went to the same school,we both love kokonte,we both love color blue. Look for intangibles like honesty (about the good and bad),transparency, accessibility (how easy is it to talk to the person).

6. Lastly ,learn to walk away from things that costs you your peace of mind. Our mental health is our wealth and success, not material things. 

MzTooknow Paemka 

Relationship/Sex/Lifestyle Coach.



1.Most abusers are sick and need help. It is a psychological thing. I don't think a person in his/her right mind will just beat and abuse someone continuously till the person dies. So you can't just ask or order them to stop abusing people. 

2.If you talk about dealing with issues from the root,then we need to start from the homes. How we raise our kids. Most parents are damaged themselves and in turn raise damaged kids. Most abusers do things they learn from home. Every behavior of an adult is definitely linked to their childhood. Osinaachi's kids said their father told them it is right to beat their mum,obviously he must have observed his father or  whomever raised him do the same. It is a vicious cycle that must be nipped in the bud. 

3.Most parents abuse their kids without realizing it,cos they are just passing on the training(whether good or bad) they also received from their parents. Teach your kids independence of mind and body..teach them to rely on their own capabilities. Don't raise them to depend on other people,teach them to be free to express themselves and make healthy choices. 

4.Our cultures and traditions force people into unhealthy situations and that's why people are mentally bankrupt. E,g marriages because a person is 'getting old' for example.

5. Everyone needs psychologically therapy throughout their lives the way we need regular physical checkups . The mind has to be decluttered regularly cos everything we go through as human beings is linked to our mental health.

MzTooknow Paemka 


Relationship/Lifestyle/Sex Coach and Motivational speaker.