Saturday, 12 October 2019
block his cock
I've never fancied what we term 'fair coloured' guys...I've never dated any...never found any of them attractive...don't get me wrong..lots of them are nice to look at but I'll rather just flirt with them or just be friends...not for any particular reason,just for the simple fact that I'm just attracted to 'dark-skinned' guys...but these days I deliberately steer clear off of them cos plenty of them have most likely bleached their skin,or what those in denial wana term 'toned' their skin...and I dunno what's worse;their uneven skin tone coupled with dark spots all over, against the dark knuckles or the pungent smell that comes with the consequences of #bleaching..speaking of uneven skin tone,I wonder how bleached testicles and penis would look like..did u know someone actually created a cream specifically for the dark knuckles?'s called,brace yourself, KNUCKLE-CORRECTOR!!.just can't wrap ma brain around it!...come to think of it,maybe I should start recommending knuckle-correctors for those obnoxious douchebags men I run into on a daily!..they'll need it to 'correct' their stick-up-the-ass behaviours!...just saying!
You know the saying 'if a guy really wants u he would make the first move and do everything to get u'?..I'm going to scatter it!.lol...women are very emotional creatures, I think men are too but they mask it or manifest it differently from women..but that's another topic for another day!..let's focus on women and how they 'feel' and I see a guy I like. .I want him to know..and I feel confident to tell him cos we have some cool rapport going on..I don't mind being vulnerable. .I don't think it through excessively cos afterall it's just being honest about my feelings...I want to talk about it with him..I want to 'communicate' it to him..and someone,I dunno who,but it's a man for sure!,says wetin!..I should sit and wait like a robot until he makes the first move!..aargh! it not the same thing we're feeling?why should my making the first move signify desperation?..yet a guy making the first move signifies what?..if I tell him I like him and he says he's not feeling me like that,I'll be disappointed but nutin spoil..yes you men like to hunt but so do we!..I'm sure it's news to most of you guys but we do like a good chase too..I'm one of them !. .I like to be able to pay a guy I like compliments ..I like to be able to ask a guy out without him feeling intimidated..I want to be able to discuss my interest and needs and visions with him without having being made to feel like I'm loose or a gold-digger.
Speaking of gold digging , I'm sure lots of women have been made to feel like that even though it's far from what our intentions are.The term gold-digger stems from a situation where a woman or a man (people always tend to conveniently overlook that bit !) forms a relationship or marriage with a wealthy person for solely finacial gain..emphasis on WEALTHY! so why is it that when someone(a woman mostly) asks a not wealthy guy to help her achieve a simple need as food or airtime for e.g. you call her a gold digger?. .my guy,get over yourself! much koraa you get wey u dey see yourself as a place where dem dey dig for gold?'s golddigger,not sand-digger abeg!..commot for there! LOL!
Recently I was in the midst of about ten guys who were playing basket, I just went to watch them and drool over the sexy bodies cos I dunno the rules of the game!..all I know is guys will be chasing one ball and whoever gets it puts it into a hole!..*wink wink * after the game we got into a lively banter about women/men relationship shenanigans. ..ofcos! made a point that I felt relationships were about being secure and confident in yourself enough to allow your partner be themselves without trying to control their movements. .and one of the guys was like if a woman gives her man such freedom her man would stray..and I was like as if a man needs any reason to stray !. .you guys always bemoan that women are too clingy,too jealous,too emotional,too dependent and now I say we will give you space to breathe,you say wetin!..guys kasa!...girls abr3!!!...I say guys don't know what dey want!
Lemme flip things a bit..I often times hear some women complain they don't like a one-minute-man but guess what,other women prefer a ' one minute man'!...if you're jungle-minded like myself you'll get where I'm coming from!.. I enjoy a rough,quick roll in the hay ..those moments are fast,hard and explosive so definitely cannot last for more than a minute.. it's about quality and not quantity,I'll tell u for free!. .who wants sex that drags on and on till eternity!..why,ebe marathon we dey run?!!!...let the foreplay last long and the actual thrusting be brief and precise and hard, thereby achieving the climax with a big bang (pun intended! !)...very real talk!
It took me a loooonnggg time of heartache and deception to come to the realisation that monogamy is the biggest set-up ever!...lots of us will fail at it..I've never cheated tho, not because I'm not capable but just that that's how I operate. .a monogamous person is not a yardstick for measuring integrity or uprighteousness (I hope this is a word!heheheh).I know real great men who still stray from their main woman... It's hard for a guy to stick to one woman for life...and I'll tell you that for free again!..and since they're afraid to let the woman know this, they'll rather lie and pretend to be we women have found out the hard way that it's mostly impossible and that's why we get upset with them..not cos they cheated but cos they lied they could do let's be real with ourselves and our partners. I know I'll be bashed for this by the so-called happily married people but we all know they're suffering in silence .being faithful is not the only sign of a happy relationship. Someone can be faithful and still be an asshole at home ..beating up their partner,abusing them mentally, controlling them obsessively etc..let's get the right balance..respect your partner..don't abuse them!
People don't like to hear the truth,not because they don't agree with u but because you've been bold enuff to say it out loud whiles they're would rather sweep it under the carpet..I've always been a realist and very outspoken and that's why I'm called MZTOOKNOW ..let's all try hard to be real. It's not easy but let's try..thanx for reading.. Shalom #gaylesgifts
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